session ideas
watch the video for each drill before you go out, they explain each exercise in detail. have the videos available while you're training as a quick reference guide.
warm-up lite
5 - 10 mins [equipment: 5 x cones]
- jog around the pitch // or 2 times around 5 cones placed 5 steps apart
- hip-out 1x round the 5 cones [there and back]
- hip-in 1x round the 5 cones [there and back]
- jump & plant at each cone [there and back]
- run 2 forward & 1 back using the 5 cones [just there]
- bounding [there and back]
- 80% sprint to finish [20/30 meters is good]
warm-up: link to video for support and instruction on warm-up exercises
20 - 30 mins [equipment: 1 x ball]
- do this every day if you can - persistence is the key
- really good video to take you through the technique
- start slow and use the progression exercises in the video
warm-up: link to video for support and instruction on warm-up exercises
working with the ball
45 - 60 mins [equipment: 5 - 10 cones, 1 ball]
warm-up routine - see above [5/7 mins]
ball mastery [improving your control of the ball at your feet] [20/25 mins]
- inside foot U - [1 min] [15 sec break] [2 sets]
- outside foot U - [1 min] [15 sec break] [2 sets]
- inside foot V cut - [1 min] [15 sec break] [2 sets]
- outside foot V cut - [1 min] [15 sec break] [2 sets]
- alternate foot V cut - [1 min] [15 sec break] [2 sets]
- L drag U - [1 min] [15 sec break] [2sets]
- sole square - [1 min] [15 sec break] [2 sets]
dribbling [control & movement with the ball] [20 mins]
- cone weave [2 sets] [1 set is there & back]
- 10x cones set-up 2/3 feet apart
- zig zag slalom [2 sets] [1 set is there and back]
- set up rows 2 rows of 5 cones 3 meters [3 big strides]
- each cone in the line 1/2 meters apart [1 big stride]
- fast lane dribble [2 sets] [1 set is there & back]
- 2x rows of cones 1/2 meters apart [1 big stride]
- each cone in the line 5 meters apart [5 big strides]
- controlled lane dribble [20/30 meters run] [there & back]
- same set up as fast lane dribble
- gated turn [5 times]
- 2x cones 1/2 meters apart [1 big stride]
- 1x cone set up 10 meters away [10 big strides]
ball mastery: link to video for instructions
dribbling: link to video for instructions
ball mastery video
dribbling video
25 - 30 mins [equipment: 10 x cones, 1 or 2 balls ]
- gated passing [5/6 mins]
- 2x cones 1/2 strides apart & another 2x cones 5 meters away to create a passing channel
- start with 2x touch and progress to 1x touch passing
- looped passing [5/6 mins]
- 2x cones 8/9 strides apart [8/9 meters]
- alternate feet/change direction every 3/4 loops
- driven ball passing [5/6mins]
- 2x lines of cones 20/30 strides apart [20/30 meters] the lines should be 5 strides apart for the width of the channel
- alternate feet/change direction every 3/4 loops
- two touch box drill [5/6 mins]
- create 2x cone boxes [using 4x cones for the box] about 20/30 strides apart [20/30 meters]
- each box should be about 5 strides wide and 5 strides deep [5x5 meters each]
- pass on the ground and progress to chipping the ball
- long ball passing [5/6 mins]
- set up 40/50 strides apart [40/50 meters] [increase the distance as you improve start at 30 strides
- no cones required, concentrate on accuracy with the long ball
passing: link to video for support and instruction on warm-up exercises
60 - 70 mins [equipment: 2 x cones, 1 or 2 balls - more balls the better on this one ]
- stationary shot [10 mins]
- use the penalty spot and hit 10x shots on each foot [down the middle to start]
- move to shooting into each corner from the penalty shot [right bottom, right top, then left same] x 3
- roll to shoot [10/12 mins]
- 20x shots with each foot with the roll to shoot method [start on the edge of the 18 yard box and roll towards the goal]
- come in closer to the goal to shoot with your weaker foot
- 10 meter move to shoot [15 mins]
- set up the first cone on the edge of the 18 yard box and place the second cone 10 stride back [away from the goal]
- start at the furthest cone, dribble at speed towards the second cone, move the diagonally when you get to the cone
- practice your stepovers when you approach the second cone [treat cone as a defender]
- 10 x on each foot, move the cones closer for your weaker foot
- corner of 18, cut-in curled shot [10/12 mins]
- 2x cones set up on the 18 yard box line about 4/5 stride apart. the first cone in the corner of the 18 yard box
- roll the ball with the underside of your foot, aim top left and right trying to curl the ball
- 10 x on each foot, come in closer to the goal on your weaker foot
- back to goal, turn, finessed shot [10/12 mins]
- start on the semi circle of the 18 yard box, facing backwards - move both ways by dropping the shoulder
- quick fast shots, not power - more about placement away from the Goalkeeper
passing: link to video for support and instruction on warm-up exercises
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